Sunday, November 30, 2014

Diva Challenge #195 - Take 2

So, after I put a non-grid tangle into a grid, I naturally had to take a grid tangle out of a grid, right? I decided to use Elena Hadzijaneva's Bran-stepout here. I ended up using the very last of my really crappy pulp-board tiles that I bought off Amazon when I was beginning Zentangle. So, thank god that those are all gone. ^_^ I really like the stark, minimalist look of this one.


  1. This is a nice tile, I like the minimalist look also. Good work.

  2. Daniel, I really like your minimalist approach to this. It looks great! I love the minimalist look, but unfortunately, I can't seem to master it. Great tile!

  3. I have not heard of bran, so I followed your link to see it in a grid format. Interesting pattern...I like how you have freed it.
